What the heck is Aromatic Anchoring?

Aromatic anchoring is a powerful technique that leverages our brain's ability to form associations between scents and emotional states. In the world of psychology, it’s known as classical conditioning (think Pavlov’s Dog).

We can anchor any of our five senses, however our sense of smell is one of the most quick, powerful and effective ways of anchoring a positive state of being. 

At the moment, we will be focusing solely on relaxation states, as so many of you are dealing with stress, anxiety and difficulty switching off and sleeping. This first line focuses on ‘Being & Feeling’ the state we want our bodies and brains to be in for ultimate relaxation. We will eventually add more to this line, including a

‘Thinking & Doing’ line to energise you and uplift you. As well as anchoring all kinds of states ideal for studying, being creative and even for increasing feelings of passion and desire. Absolutely any state of mind and being can be anchored – the sky is the limit!

The current ‘Being & Feeling’ Relaxation line involves pairing specific fragrances with relaxation practices such as meditation, yoga nidra, or self-hypnosis. Over time, this pairing creates a conditioned response, making it easier to achieve a relaxed state by simply smelling the associated scent.

How It Works

Pairing Scent and Practice

Begin by pairing our ‘Being & Feeling’ line consistently during your relaxation practice, engaging in daydreaming about relaxing, yoga nidra, meditation and before bed.

Creating Associations

As you engage in your chosen relaxation activity, your brain forms a strong connection between the scent and the calm, peaceful feelings you experience.

Conditioned Response

Over time, exposure to the specific scent triggers an automatic relaxation response. Your brain associates the scent with a relaxed state, making it easier to unwind and de-stress. Eventually, once your anchor is nice and strong, you’ll be able to utilise the scent to help calm you in moments of stress and anxiety.

Benefits of Aromatic Anchoring

Stress Reduction

Aromatic anchoring provides a natural and accessible way to reduce stress and anxiety levels. The familiar scent signals your body and mind to relax, helping you cope with daily pressures more effectively.


Once the association is established, the scent can be used anywhere and anytime, making it a convenient tool for relaxation during busy or stressful moments.

Improved Sleep

Improved Sleep: Using an aromatic anchor before bedtime can enhance sleep quality. The calming scent helps signal to your body that it's time to rest, promoting a deeper and more restorative sleep.

Mind-Body Connection

Aromatic anchoring reinforces the mind-body connection, highlighting the profound influence scents can have on our emotional and physiological responses.

Enhanced Well-being

Aromatic anchoring promotes overall wellbeing by encouraging regular relaxation practices. It empowers individuals to take control of their mental and emotional state, fostering a more balanced and positive outlook on life.

Incorporating aromatic anchoring into your wellness routine can lead to a more relaxed, centered, and mindful approach to life. By harnessing the power of scent, you can create a positive and enduring impact on your mental and emotional wellbeing.

Ready to try the ‘Being & Feeling’ line? Click here to go to our Shop.